How does our products help to save our planet?

Maribumi Starchtech Compostable Bags
Maribumi Starchtech
Conventional Plastics
Biodegradability & Compostability
Renewable Resources
Processing Temperature
Carbon Footprint (CO2)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG)
Toxic to human, animals and Environment
Soil Fertility
100% Compostable

100% Compostable

100% Renewable Resources

Plant-Based Resources

Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation

Environmental Care Pollution

Environmental Care Pollution

Made from renewable resources

Every resource made by nature will return back to nature. Our raw material, bio resin is derived from renewable resources, natural plant- based which is annually renewable resource.

Non-food sources

To avoid issues on using food sources to produce our products, we are aware of the fact that more raw materials would be needed to make these compostable products, not to mention different types of products would required tons of resources which will affect our food sources when millions of people are starving in the world. Therefore, we tend to avoid these issues.

Plastic Bag Pollutions

100% Biodegradable and Compostable within 180 days

Our products are all formulated from natural plant with no chemical additives to ensure non-toxicity which enables for complete compostability and biodegradability. It has proven to have fast reaction to microorganism and can be broken down easily. Our raw material itself has been certified as biodegradable and compostable. Maribumi Starchtech products are great alternatives to conventional plastic and petroleum plastic that took a thousand years to break down which does not decompose into nutrients so this will also attract toxic substances which are bad to our environment while our products takes approximately 180 days to biodegrade or even sooner, depending on how they are exposed to the environment. They can be broken down easily in landfills or open environment, making it natural fertilizer aids in growth of plant which will also return back to nature.

Reduced Carbon footprint (CO2)

Since our compostable products are formulated from bio resin, made out of natural plant which are renewable so it can return back to nature while traditional plastics are made with petrochemicals. Petrochemicals are any products made from Petroleum, types of petroleum such as oil and natural gases.

These resources are not renewable and only available in limited supplies. In fact, burning of petrochemicals during production of conventional plastics emitted large amounts of carbon dioxide which can lead to serious global warming. At Maribumi Starchtech, we are constantly strive to maximise values and recover all the materials at the end of its product’s life cycle.

The Life Cycle of

Maribumi Starchtech

Compostable Products

Product Life Cycle

Harmless to animals when ingested

Our plant-based products not only harmless on the soil and plants but also are safe for animals if ingested, it is proven through our certified bio-resin. To be deemed compostable, resins must be independently tested by meeting the requirement standards. Many marine animals such as sea turtles, seabirds, whales and dolphins, seals and sealions are killed each year from plastic pollution. It is reported that marine life ingested conventional plastics due to often mistaken marine debris for food source and unknowingly picks up plastic debris. Sea turtles also often mistaken plastic waste for a viable food source resembling jellyfish and without knowing, it wreaks havoc their digestive system. As plastic cannot be digested, it stays in the animals causing blockages and slowly kill them. Plastic pollution will not only hurt marine species, the plastic these marine species consume releases toxins which are absorbed into their bodies. These toxins are passed up the food chain and can have horrifying effects on humans as well. Exposure to these toxins has been linked with cancer, birth defects, impaired immunity, endocrine disruption and other ailments. What we do on land can change the fate of what goes on off shore, and small mistakes in waste disposal can have a large impact on everyone’s health and wellbeing.
